10 juni 2015 – Internationella heraldikdagen
Den 10 juni firas internationella heraldikdagen runt om i världen. I Sverige blir det festligheter i Lund och i Borås (se bilden)
Här kan du hålla dig uppdaterad om vad som händer i din närhet:
Borås och Lund är i nuläget de städer som har planerade aktiviteter. Vi hoppas att det kommer fler!
Den officiella beskrivningen av dagen lyder:
On this date in 1128 AD, Geoffrey Plantagenet was presented by his father-in-law, King Henry I of England in Rouen, France with a blue shield bearing six gold lions. The occasion was of international significance – Geoffrey was French; he was knighted by King Henry I the English father of his bride Matilda, who was daughter of Edith of Scotland and the widow of the Holy Roman Emperor Henry V.
It’s debatable whether or not this marks the actual beginning of heraldry as we understand it today – but it’s nice to have a date to celebrate our favorite hobby/art/subject/etc.!
International heraldry day 2015