Elizabeth Roads ny hedersmedlem

Föreningsstämman i Göteborg 25 mars biföll enhälligt styrelsens förslag att kalla den skotska heraldikern Elizabeth Roads som ny hedersmedlem i Svenska Heraldiska Föreningen, vilket hon med glädje accepterat: ”I am hugely honoured and most appreciative”.

Elizabeth Roads är en av världens mest framstående heraldiker och har förutom sin mångåriga gärning vid den skotska heraldiska myndigheten Court of the Lord Lyon gjort synnerligen betydande internationella insatser, särskilt i kontexten av de internationella heraldiska kongresserna och kollokvierna. Hon blev 1987 världens första kvinna med ett häroldsämbete och är idag ordförande i den internationella heraldiska akademin (AIH).

Elizabeth Roads kommer att installeras som hedersmedlem i samband med AIHs 22a internationella heraldiska kollokvium, i Lund 16-19 augusti 2023.

Elizabeth Roads new Honorary Member

The Annual General Meeting in Gothenburg March 25 unanimously voted in favor of the proposal of the board to appoint the Scottish heraldist Elizabeth Roads as an Honorary Member of the Swedish Heraldry Society, which she was delighted to accept: “I am hugely honoured and most appreciative”.

Elizabeth Roads is one of the most distinguished heraldists in the world and in addition to her many years of service at the Scottish heraldic authority Court of the Lord Lyon she has made very significant contributions to heraldry internationally, especially in the context of the international heraldic congresses and colloquia. In 1987, she became the world’s first woman to hold a position as an Officer of Arms and is today the president of the International Academy of Heraldry (AIH).

Elizabeth Roads will be installed as Honorary Member in connection with the 22nd Colloquium of the International Academy of Heraldry, in Lund 16-19 August 2023.

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